I'm a total total noob who is trying to download Linux Mint on a Mac OS X using a USB drive. I know there is some way to go into terminal and convert the iso file but I don't know how.
Here's the things I have tried so far: 1. sudo dd bs=4M if=[linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.iso] of=/dev/disk2s1 (result: dd: bs: illegal numeric value)
~/path/to/Users/[my name]/linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.img ~/path/to/Users/[my name]/linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.iso -bash: /Users/[my name]/path/to/Users/[my name]/linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.img (result: No such file or directory)
Maybe for #1 the "/dev/disk2s1" part is wrong? How do I find the number for the USB that goes after "dev/sd"? (I can only find "dev/disk2s1").
I have also tried to just mount/unmount the USB and drag the iso file into source/destination, to no avail.
Thanks so much!