How To Convert Iso File To Burn To USB (don't Even Know How To Mount)

I'm a total total noob who is trying to download Linux Mint on a Mac OS X using a USB drive. I know there is some way to go into terminal and convert the iso file but I don't know how.

Here's the things I have tried so far: 1. sudo dd bs=4M if=[linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.iso] of=/dev/disk2s1 (result: dd: bs: illegal numeric value)

~/path/to/Users/[my name]/linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.img ~/path/to/Users/[my name]/linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.iso -bash: /Users/[my name]/path/to/Users/[my name]/linuxmint-17.1-cinnamon-64bit.img (result: No such file or directory)
Maybe for #1 the "/dev/disk2s1" part is wrong? How do I find the number for the USB that goes after "dev/sd"? (I can only find "dev/disk2s1").

I have also tried to just mount/unmount the USB and drag the iso file into source/destination, to no avail.

Thanks so much!

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Failed To Load Session Cinnamon (Linux Mint)

Hello everyone,

I just tried upgrading to Linux Mint 17 from version 16, and I obviously did something wrong since when I'm prompted for my password, I get an error message saying "failed to load session cinnamon."

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I tried doing ctrl alt f2, but I get a whole bunch of gobbledy gook which I'm unable to copy and paste.

I also tried burning a new DVD-R with Mint 17, but my computer doesn't even read it when I power it on. Otherwise, I would have tried reinstalling the OS.

So any suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated.


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Thank You

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Help from anyone is greatly appreciated.
Best regards to all of you.

How To Resolve Extract These First Column From The Output

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I want to extract the dependencies to a file from the output of rpm
how to resolve this problme
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"linux mint (on /dev/sda1)"

. I use external drives sometimes and also have linux on my harddrive which I also switch between computers. It gets confusing when it says /dev/sda2 when it means something else. It boots fine because that actual boot command uses uuid. How can I change the text of the (script generated) description to also use partition labels or uuid (or the first few chars) just so I know which install will actually boot. like this: Code:
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"Linux Mint (HOMEHDD)"
"Ubuntu (SANDISK)"
"Ubuntu (IMATION)"

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"-bash: /usr/bin/gs: No such file or directory"

if I echo the path variable it will display


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gs: /usr/local/bin/gs

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(I am using Centos 6)


Cygwin Rsync Script Copying File Incorrectly

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I have pasted the contents of the script file below:
    rsync.exe -rltDvP --exclude "System Volume Information" --exclude
 "RECYCLER" --exclude=\$RECYCLE.BIN --delete "/cygdrive/c/users/<USERNAME>
/desktop/" "/cygdrive/c/users/<USERNAME>/desktop/test/"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Python Ftplib

hello all,

please help me with python ftplib. i was trying to copy files from my linux machine to a windows server using ftplib. everything was working good. but i'm only able to copy files from the same directory the script is. how do i copy files from a different directory? i always get "file not found error message". here's my code :

tester_name = str (socket.gethostname())
def upload(ftp, file):
    ext = os.path.splitext(file)[1]
    if ext in (".txt", ".htm", ".html"):
        ftp.storlines("STOR " + file, open(file))
        ftp.storbinary("STOR " + file, open(file, "rb"), 1024)

parse_source_path = ('/path/to/where/i/go/')
parse_source_file_list = os.listdir(parse_source_path)

ftp = ftplib.FTP("server_IP")
ftp.login("username", "pass")

folder_list = []


if str(tester_name) not in str(folder_list) :
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        print files
        upload(ftp, files)

else :
    print "later"

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What I have no clue is how to start a loop that would do this...

for each line in filename.txt
echo "Username: $UNAME, Line with bad word found: $TXT, and Path and file name: $LOC. Is this a BAD file? (Y)"

if ["$YORN" = "Y" ]; then
>> (line of text from grep) badfiles.txt

Next or whatever goes there...sorry if this is crazy I just really need some direction. I am trying to learn so please don't give me the answer...that will do nothing for me and I will not be able to explain the code I came up with.

Problems Setting Up VsFTPd With Virtual Users. Need Assistance.

Running mint 17.1 (64 bit) Cinnamon

I've spent a bunch of time trying to troubleshoot my setup of my ftp. Currently trying to get it to work using the virtual users option. I am following this guide I've hit a snag that I can't seem to get around. The libdb3-util is where I'm having trouble. When I input the code "sudo apt-get install libdb3-util" my results are as follows:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package libdb3-util

I have searched around a little, found someone else that had a similar problem, and was able to use db4.7-util to correct their problem. However, when I attempted this, it was unsuccessful. Is there a newer libdb/db I should be installing? If so, when I install it will it alter any of the code I've used from the guide?

I've been following the guide verbatum from the start of "Virtual users with TLS/SSL/FTPS and a common upload directory - Complicated vsftpd" and have stalled at the point of installing the libdb3-util.