Auto Print New Files In Folder

I am very new to Linux but I want to be able to have Ubuntu set up so that whenever a new file is added via Dropbox to a folder it will automatically print to multiple Bluetooth printers. Is this difficult? Any advice? Thanks guys!

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Can Anybody Explain How Works To Me?

I'm running Xubuntu and it was a challenge just getting on there. (I installed the desktop app on both of my computers.) Now that I have it though, I don't really know how to use it.

I know this is kind of more a question, but I don't know anything about (besides having it--lol) and besides, I like you LQ guys.

So yeah, I installed the desktop app for on both of my computers. I know that if I put something in the Copy folder that will be available to both computers.

But how Copy does the backing up I don't know.

When I change a file or folder do I have to plop that into the Copy folder every time or does Copy somehow update the file or folder in the Copy folder automatically? (It doesn't seem to.)

Okay, when I, say, take the Documents folder from one computer and plop it into the Copy folder that's that. Then I take the Documents folder from the other computer and plop that into the Copy folder, then all the files from both folders will be in the Copy folder (and the Copy cloud), right?

Now I just removed a couple of files from a folder and copied and pasted the folder into the Copy folder. But then when I looked at the Copy folder the files I'd deleted were still there. What's the process? How does it work?

I mean, how does this work as a way of backing things up AND organizing things? To me it seems like a decent way of throwing stuff into the Copy folder (and cloud), but how is that different than Google Drive? I mean, that's not really a backup, is it? It's like a flash drive in the cloud.

And when I combined the same folders (with the same titles anyway, but they each had different files within them) from the two computers I'd expected each folder on each computer to have all the same files that were cumulatively on both. Instead, they're the same. And the cumulative is only on the Copy folder.

I like the notion of just throwing the folders and files into the Copy folder. It's much quicker than Google Drive. But the backing up feature eludes me and the syncing feature makes me fearful that I'll lose data or that the files will become hopelessly less organized.


Trouble Printing Under Xubuntu

What I have here is a Dell Optiplex GX620 (stock) with a new install of Xubuntu as of May 18. It works fine except that I am having trouble printing.
The printer is an HP Deskjet 832c hooked to a Linksys BEFW11P1. The Linksys box is an old internet router/firewall/wi-fi/printserver. I am using it as a network printserver with all the other functions disabled. It's a strange setup for sure. But, over there I have another computer running Lucid Puppy 5.3.2 and it prints just fine.
This machine running Xubuntu only will print the simplest of documents. The printer setup will print a test page, Text files will print, AbiWord files will print, PDF files and HTML pages displayed in Firefox do not print.
I have been taking some stabs at trying to fix this problem by changing some settings. but no joy.
Has anyone seen an issue like this? Any pointers/ideas on where to actually look for the problem.
It seems to me that Xubuntu does not use CUPS to manage it's printers? True? Would installing CUPS be a good idea?

Find 30 Days Old And Delete Prints Error Msg File Not Found After Deleting It

I have a shell script to find folders which are 25 days older and delete it, and put the deleted folder details into log file like this

 find /ahome/xxx/$FOLDER -type d -mtime +25  -exec ls -ld {} \;  -exec rm -rf {} \;  >> mylogfile.log

after running this command it deletes the folder and logs the folder deleted. But also print error msg
find: /ahome/prksh/dir/test: No such file or directory

How to suppress the error msg

How I Can Print A Specific Range Of Nubers Form A File.


i am trying to make a table from some files. i used this to record how much "RD_" field i have in my file. Quote:
grep -o 'RD_' $f|grep -c 'RD_'
forexample i got 5 "RD_" fields now i want to print 5 number of fields from another file starting from 2nd field. i did it mannully like Quote:
awk 'NR==1{print"{"$2","$3","$4","$5","$6","0.0000",""0.0000""}"","}' $file
i want to make it work together and a bit auto matic like PHP Code:
awk 'NR==1{print"{"$2"to "$5"," apend zeros to make it total 7 fields"}"","}' $file 

your coments would be apreciated
thanks alot

Please Help Me To Start My DNS Server Logging.

I am facing problem in enabling the DNS Log making in named.conf file.
My /etc/named.conf file structure is as follows:
// named.conf
// Provided by Red Hat bind package to configure the ISC BIND named(8) DNS
// server as a caching only nameserver (as a localhost DNS resolver only).
// See /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample/ for example named configuration files.

options {
listen-on port 53 {;; };
listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
directory "/var/named";
dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
allow-query { localhost;; };
recursion yes;

dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation yes;
dnssec-lookaside auto;

/* Path to ISC DLV key */
bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key";

managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";

logging {
channel default_debug {
file "/var/log/";
severity dynamic;
print-time yes;

channel queries_channel {
file "/var/log/queries.log";
severity dynamic;
print-time yes;
print-severity yes;
channel security_channel {
file "/var/log/security.log" versions 3 size 5m;
severity debug 3;
print-category yes;
print-severity yes;
print-time yes;

channel update_security_channel {
file "/var/log/updates.log" versions 3 size 5m;
severity debug 3;
print-category yes;
print-severity yes;
print-time yes;

channel dnssec_channel {
file "/var/log/dnssec.log" versions 3 size 5m;
severity debug 3;
print-category yes;
print-severity yes;
print-time yes;

channel xfers_channel {
file "/var/log/zone_transfers.log" versions 3 size 5m;
severity debug 3;
print-category yes;
print-severity yes;
print-time yes;

category queries { queries_channel; };
category security { security_channel; };
category update-security { update_security_channel; };
category dnssec { dnssec_channel; };
category xfer-out { xfers_channel; };
zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "";

include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
include "/etc/named.root.key";
My DNS Server works fine. Only it cannot make the log.
when I will run this command:
#dig -x
the result comes fine but the log is not make in /var/log/queries.log file.
The named is running without chroot enviroment.
Please help me in solving this.

File Manager Folder Properties

In Windows, when a folder is right clicked, I can see the number of files and folders in that folder and the detailed size of the total of files and folders down to the byte. In Linux Mint when I do the same thing in the default file manager, it gives me a total nunber of "Items" and a size rounded to xx.x GB. Is there a file manager that will give me the same information as Windows does, or another way to get that information?

Create Folder With Same Permission

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MyHeritage-FamilyTreeBuilder Sw - Installation To Linux Nearly OK. - Small Problem.

As a newbie, I started with Linux ubuntu 14.04. I try to avoid using terminal commands. FamilyTreeBuilder was not possible.

After upgrading to ubuntu 14.10 I was able to install (with Q4Wine 1.1-r2) MyHeritage FamilyTreeBuilder sw nearly saccesfully. After installation when I try to open program it tries to make a customer data folder. That will give an error message:
Couldnt make folder: C:\user\peter\My Documents\MyHeritage\

FamilyTreeBuilder does not give any possibility to change the path.

I have SSD (sda = C: ) for Linux and separate HDD (sdb = D: ) for my files. For some reason, I am not allowed to write any files to sda (???).

Can anybody help?
P4sblom 17/02/2015

Libreoffice Cannot Find Network Printer, Offers Only (non-existent) Generic Printer

Arch linux, lxdm/lxde, recent installation, feeling I must be doing something stupid, would be glad to be guided!

I have a Brother HL-2030 printer connected to a Raspberry Pi as a print server, CUPS setup, with sharing turned on. Other machines in the household, and indeed other OS's on the machine I'm writing on, print trouble-free to this printer.

On *this* desktop machine, (with libcups installed,) other programs print trouble-free. Firefox, Thunderbird, geany and evince all detect the presence of the network printer, and work as expected.

It's just Libreoffice that does not. This is true both of libreoffice-fresh and libreoffice-still, and it is true for all the components (write, draw, calc etc).

Libreoffice *does* find the network printer from other OS's that I play with; I have Puppy and Mint on the same machine, but those installs of Libreoffice are obviously different/earlier versions (nor do I feel like upgrading them in the circumstances!)

In this context, though, the Libreoffice "File>Printer settings..." menu offers me only a "Generic Printer" (whose properties and options I can edit). If I ask Libreoffice to print to this generic printer, it reports no failure, but that task just seems to disappear into thin air.

On the Pi server, /var/log/cups/ offers

# extract from /var/log/cups/access_log
# [...snip] - - [22/Jan/2015:18:21:21 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 566 CUPS-Get-Printers server-error-version-not-supported - - [22/Jan/2015:18:21:21 +0000] "POST /printers/Brother_HL-2030_series HTTP/1.1" 200 15824 Print-Job successful-ok
# the above line logs a successful print from geany - - [22/Jan/2015:18:26:40 +0000] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 673 CUPS-Get-Default server-error-version-not-supported

# extract of /var/log/cups/error_log
# [...snip]
E [22/Jan/2015:18:21:20 +0000] Returning IPP server-error-version-not-supported for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from
E [22/Jan/2015:18:21:20 +0000] Returning IPP server-error-version-not-supported for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from
E [22/Jan/2015:18:21:21 +0000] Returning IPP server-error-version-not-supported for CUPS-Get-Printers (no URI) from
E [22/Jan/2015:18:26:40 +0000] Returning IPP server-error-version-not-supported for CUPS-Get-Default (no URI) from

I really think I must be doing something very stupid and newbie-ish!

Installing New Software

I am about to attempt my first software installation - upgrading my LibreOffice package to the latest version. Since all my software came preloaded with my computer I have not been involved in this exercise previously.

I realize how irritating newbies can be, by asking questions that have already been answered in other threads, so I have read the post offering basic software installation instructions, together with anything else that seemed relevant. Then I got the installation instructions from the LibreOffice website. When I compared these with the LQ version it was difficult to find much in common, so what do I do? I am inclined to follow the LibreOffice instructions. Apart from anything else, they are simpler. However, I notice reference to a 'desktop-integration' folder in the latter. I do not appear to have such a folder in my present system. Can I assume that it will be created as part of the installation of the updated package?

I am happy to experiment but one thing that terrifies me is the instruction to purge my existing version of LibreOffice before installing the latest one. I do not question the logic of so doing, it being pointed out that otherwise I will finish up with both new and old versions. The worry is that, if I remove the old version and am then unable to successfully install the new one, I will have well and truly 'burned my boats behind me'- and I have only just got the spell checker to work in the old version!

I have so far managed to download the .tar.gz file and extract the installation folder and associated files from it. I realise that the latter could well be lost when purging the existing LibreOffice installation but that does not matter. I have slightly renamed the .tar.gz file so that the purge command will not find it. I can then quickly re-extract the installation folder, with its .deb files, if I need to, the extraction process yielding exactly the same files whatever the .tar.gz file name.

I am just about ready to jump but I would like a handle on the 'desktop-integration' file, or folder, before I do.