Need Help To Get The Available Hosts Among Many Hosts

I have many hosts as following. But those hosts are dual operating system (Linux and Windows). I always run program background. If someone is using Linux, it is fine. But if someone is using windows or the host is offline. Then, I cannot use ssh. The way I do preiviously is first ssh one by one. And then find the hosts which are offline or windows. And write them down one by one. And then ssh to hosts except them. Let us assume the number of programs is less than the total available hosts. Can someone write a shell script to output the all available hosts to a file like "host_available"?
Here is the host file.
I am using ssh to connect the computers on campus. If the computer I am trying to connect is offline or using windows, the ssh will take long time, and finally it will failed. I write a shell script to generate the hostlist
for i in `seq -w 1 28`
echo "c15-0330-$"
# I would like to add a command here to see whether ssh c15-0330-$ it succeeds or not. And then output a #file which contains the all available host.
for i in `seq -w 1 20`
echo "c28-0112-$"
for i in `seq -w 1 20`
echo "c28-112a-$"

I do not how to set a certain time to see whether connection is successful or not (see the comment in the shell script).

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How To Set A Time Limit Of Ssh

I have a hostlist and there are several hosts. I want to use ssh to connect to them. I want to see whether the host is available or not by the time length of ssh takes. If it take long than 5s (which means it is not available). Then stop it, and ssh to next host. Once a host is available, then output the name of host. I previously use nmap, but the IT security told it is not allowed to install it on the desktop on campus.
HOSTS=`cat $host_list`
for line in $HOSTS
timeout -5s `ssh $line`

The above script is all I can do.

How To Redirect The Error Message?

I have a hostlist and there are several hosts. I want to use ssh to connect to them. I want to see whether the host is available or not by the time length of ssh takes. If it take long than 5s (which means it is not available). Then stop it, and ssh to next host. Once a host is available, then output the name of host. I previously use nmap, but the IT security told it is not allowed to install it on the desktop on campus.
    HOSTS=`cat $host_list`
    for line in $HOSTS
    ssh -o ConnectTimeout=5s $line true >> /dev/null
    if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]
    echo $line > succeed.txt
    echo $line > fail.txt

The above script is all I can do.
The problem is when it is failed, I want to redirect the error message
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host

. But I still get the error message.

Mutt Does Not Show Full Subject

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host_list=("" "" "" "")
program=("L_1" "L_2" "L_3" "L_4")
subject="The job is finished"
ssh -f 'echo' "the job ${program[0]} is finished" '|' 'mutt "" -s' "This is "${program[0]}".R is finished";

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`host_list=("" "" "")`
`# I have multiple programs`
`# program=c("L_1","L_2","L_3")`
`ssh -f "${host_list[0]}" 'set Directory="/home/campus27/zwang10/Desktop/AWRR/program/power/vmodel_1/nprot/K_10"; cd $Directory && nohup Rscript L_1.R> L_1_sh.txt;echo "The job L_1 is finished" |mutt "" -s "The job L_1 is finished"';
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ssh -f "${host_list[2]}" 'set Directory="/home/campus27/zwang10/Desktop/AWRR/program/power/vmodel_1/nprot/K_10"; cd $Directory && nohup Rscript L_3.R> L_3_sh.txt;echo "The job L_3 is finished" |mutt "" -s "The job L_3 is finished"';`

Get The Time When Nohup R Program Finishes

I want to get the time when program starts and finishes. But it always show the same time. Here is my shell script. But it always show that `START TIME` is same as `END TIME`.
host_list=("" "" "" "")
program=("L_1" "L_4" "L_3" "L_4")
subject="The job is finished"
START=$(date +"r")
ssh -f "${host_list[0]}" "cd '$address' && nohup Rscript '${program[0]}.R' > '${program[0]}_sh.txt';echo 'The job\n $address\n${program[0]} is finished\nSTART TIME = $START\n' END TIME =`date +"%r"` | mutt -s '${host_list[0]} - Job ${program[0]}.R finished' -a '$address/${program[0]}_sh.txt';"

String Concatenation In UNIX / Shell Script


I am new to UNIX - i wrote this below script based on the requirement. But i am stuck at the concatenation (at the second last step of the code)

The below code is working fine till the concatenation(second last step) - I need to concatenate Hello to the "physId" e.g. - The filename is UM123456789.20150503 - i am extracting M123456789 and i need to append "HELO" to it at the end. But as per the below script - when i am using the concatenation, it is overwriting the M123456789 and the output thus becomes HELO456789. I am trying to get the output as - M123456789HELO - where am i going wrong?

on the terminal i checked - echo $0 and it gave -> /bin/sh. Hence i wrote the below code.

filepath=$(echo ${absolutePath%.*})
echo "$filepath"
filenameext=$(echo ${filepath#/abc*decrypt/})
echo "$filenameext"
file=$(echo ${filenameext#.*})
echo "$file"
extract_physId=$(echo ${file:1:9})
physId=$(echo ${extract_physId})
echo "$physId"
echo "$key"

Linux From Windows- Bash ,shell

Hello am a newbie to linux,
I tried to install cygwin for windows,all i need is i need to write a shell program for a batch file i already have, I am not able to do this.
My batch file content looks like

SET CLASSPATH="%CLASSPATH%;../lib/A.jar;../lib/slf4j-api-1.6.1.jar;../lib/slf4j-simple-1.6.1.jar"

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe com.A ../conf/


this works perfectly, I try to write a shell program which is failing when i check it through cygwin. i am not able to set the export to java_home.
The pblm i face is say my current directory where my shell program is 'Z'
then i want to get back to 'y' where X has two sub folders y and z

-Y (is jdk )
-Z (where shell pgm resides)

cd ../ or any combination of cd doesnot work in my shell script.

Please help me. Any help is greatly appreciated

Regular Expression In Expect Script To Prevent Printing To Screen

Hello, I have an expect script where I ssh to a remote host to determine the network configuration and get from the user the network interface card that should be used. From their response, I determine the subnet mask and save the information to a text file that is later transmitted back to my local host. This is all so that I can set up virtual IP aliasing and verify that the physical IP address of the local and remote host are on the same subnet prior to continuing with the setup. I am running the script on Linux, with expect version 5.45.

The code itelf works just fine, but I'm having some issues with how it displays on the screen. As you'll see below in the example, the default system prompt displays, as does the user input command that I'm sending to the shell from the expect script.

Is there a regular expression or something that I can write to prevent the prompt and command that I'm sending from printing to the screen? I know that it should be suppressed if I have an expect command following the Code:
send -s "\nread n_card?'Enter the network interface card number for this server (i.e. eth0):   '\r

command, but everything I have tried for strings and regular expressions to expect causes the netstat -rn output to not show up all of a sudden. I'm new to expect, so I'm not really sure why this is happening.

I would really appreciate any help/suggestions. Thanks for your time!

Part of the Script Code:
expect {
   -re $prompt {   ;# Send individual commands and get user input
        set timeout -1
        # Get partner hostname and put in vipsetup.txt file
        send -s "hostname > vipsetup.txt\r"  
        expect -re $prompt
        # Display the network routing info for the user and prompt for 
        # network interface card number
        send -s "print \"The network routing table for the $ptner server is displayed below:\n\" ; netstat -rn \r"
        expect -re "\r(.*):\r"
        send -s "\nread n_card?'Enter the network interface card number for this server (i.e. eth0):   '\r"
        interact "\r" return    ;# Wait for user input from read command
        send -- "\r"
        send -s "echo \$n_card >> vipsetup.txt\r"  
        # Obtain subnet mask information for partner based on network 
        # interface card number being used
        send -s "msk=\$(cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-\$n_card | grep NETMASK)\r"
        send -s "msk=\$(echo \${msk#NETMASK=})\r"
        send -s "echo \$msk >> vipsetup.txt\r"
    timeout {
        send_user "Connection to host $hostip timed out."
        exit 6 
    eof {
        send_user "Connection to host $hostip failed."

Script Output:
The network routing table for the PRIMARY server is displayed below:
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U         0 0          0 eth0         UG        0 0          0 eth0
 [root@remotehost root]$
[root@remotehost root]$ ber for this server (i.e. eth0):   '              < 
Enter the network interface card number for this server (i.e. eth0):   eth0

Script To Find The File Creation Time Is More Than Ten Minutes

Hi All,

Im trying to create a script which checks the creation time of a file and if it is more than ten minutes, send out an alert.

For ex : Creation date of file is 10:30 AM
current time is 10:45 AM

Then send an alert/ message.

This is the script i wrote below :



if [ -f "${filename}" ]
        createTime=`ls -lad "${filename}" | awk '{print $8}'`
        echo "$createTime"
        currentTime=`date '+%M'`
        echo "$currentTime"
        DIFF=$(( $currentTime - $createTime )) 
        echo "$DIFF"


        exit 1


I am getting syntax error on the subraction when i try to run this script . I can understand that creation time and current time is in different format thats y this error throws, but i dont know how to rectify it .

I need to find out if the file creation time is more than ten minutes.

Please help me in achieving this output.

Script While Loop

I'm working on a shell script that needs to read the a file (file1) a batch (read 2000 lines at a time) and then write those lines to seperate file which I'm using to run ldapmodify command. I need to check some other file size and once this file less than 200kb, i would need to run second batch and so on until file1 is empty.
set -x

stty -echo
echo -n "Enter password: "
read passwd
stty echo
if [[ -s "$filename" ]];then
for lines in $filename
head -99997 fileimport.txt >> ldapreadd.ldif && sed -i '1,+99996d' fileimport.txt
if [ -s ldapreadd.ldif ];then
ldapmodify -h $server -p 389 -D $context -w $passwd -v -x -f ldapreadd.ldif &> /dev/null
echo "LDIF script is running. Please wait..."
sleep 60
if [ -f "$taofile" ];then
taofilesize=`stat -c %s ${taofile}`
# if [ "$taofilesize" -ge 200 ];then
while [ `stat -c %s ${taofile}` -ge 200 ]
echo " Driver is processing LDIF file. Please wait..."
sleep 60
rm -rf ldapreadd.ldif
echo "$filename file is empty. Exiting script..."

I have 2 issues here. first one script is not reading exact lines as specified. Some times its reading more lines some times less lines. Second issues once it run the first batch, script is exiting. Please advise.