While Loop Not Working

Hey, not sure if this is the best place however thought id ask my question ..

My while loop below doesnt return as id expect :

while [[ ! "$RES" =~ (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|x|10)$ ]]
read -p "Please select an above option : " RES || exit

if [[ "$RES" =~ 1 ]]
echo "Option 1 Selected"
and so on through all my results

This goes on and works all the way up to 10.

If i select option 10 it runs option 1.

Any idea how to make sure when i select option 10 it runs it not 1.

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Hi All,

I recently decided to tryout Linux and dual booted my laptop (originally just had windows 8) with Xubuntu. Now I want to try out Kali Linux. So I downloaded Kali and made a bootable USB, the problem is that when I try to boot from the USB it just brings up the grub menu asking me to select Xubuntu, Windows etc. I've changed the boot menu in the BIOS but that has no effect.

I've tried booting into windows and the restarting by holding shift but when I select the usb option it just says:

"system doesn't have any USB boot option. Please select other boot option in Boot Manager Menu"

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I'd be really grateful if anyone can help me out with this!


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option domain-name "center.local";
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default-lease-time 600;
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so what is wrong?Any suggestion?
Thanks for your help and sorry for my bad English grammar

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Check Empty Variable Without Comments


They gave me this:

# Write error message on stderr and die
function die() {
  echo "$@" >&2
  exit 1

# Load var from properties files
function load() {
  for propertie in "$@" ; do
    [[ -f "${propertie}" ]] || die "load() : \"${propertie}\" don't exist !"
    while read ; do
echo "${REPLY%=*}"
echo "${REPLY#*=}"
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    done < "${propertie}"

load "manage_srcds.conf"

but, return:
load() : Variable "###################################################" is empty!

cat manage_srcds.conf

I just wish that there was no empty variable excluding those who do not have integer.

Best regards,

How To Return From Shell 'read' Command Passed In Expect Script?

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# Usage: expectssh <host> <ssh user> <ssh password> <script>

set timeout 60
set prompt "(%|#|\\$) $"
set commands [lindex $argv 3];

spawn ssh [lindex $argv 1]@[lindex $argv 0]

expect {
"*assword:" {
send -- "[lindex $argv 2]\r"
expect -re "$prompt"
send -- "$commands\r"

"you sure you want to continue connecting" {
send -- "yes\r"
expect "*assword:"
send -- "[lindex $argv 2]\r"
expect -re "$prompt"
send -- "$commands\r"

timeout {
exit }

expect -re $prompt
send -- "exit\r"

The script runs well, except that if I send a command such as 'read' that requires user input, the script does not continue or exit after the user presses enter. It just hangs.

The commands I pass to the expect script and it's call are as follows:
SCRIPT='hostname > response.txt;netstat -rn;read net_card?"What is the network interface card number? " >> response.txt; read net_mask?"What is the subnet mask? " >> response.txt'

/usr/bin/expect ./expectssh.exp $hostip $usr $pswd "$SCRIPT"

Any suggestions on how I can pass a command to my expect script that requires user input without it hanging?

On a side note because I know it will come up - I am not allowed to do key-based automatic SSH login. I have to prompt for a username and password, which is done from my main shell script.

Thanks for any suggestions and help you can provide!

Parameter $1 Isn't Returned After A Case (bash Scripting)

Hello everyone,

I recently started using "function" and "case" in linux but I came across a slight problem

My code:

function Return
echo $1

case "$1" in 
 ""       ) echo "give parameters please";;
 [0-9]*   ) echo "No numbers please";;
 *        ) Return;;

So whenever the first parameter is a simple word I would like it returned, but it seems like there is no returned string (empty space)

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Can anyone tell me why the function doesn't return $1? Thanks!

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i'm beginner with Unix, I tried my best, but I Really don't know how to finish it .

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after starting script it will ask you for Student's name, then which subject, then the mark will appear.

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echo "Students name"
echo -n "Enter student's name: "
read name
case $name in
Example1|Math) echo "C" ;;
Example2|Programming) echo "D" ;;
Example3|WWW) echo "A" ;;
Example4|Economie) echo "-" ;;

I don't now how to bring together case with second things which is "enter subject".

I appreciate any help

Rsync Script Problem

Hi all,

I am trying to write a script that syncs files from source to destination. I have one centralized server that can ssh to any servers without pw. Now when I run the script, it can ssh to source server perfectly fine, but you need to enter password for destination server. Was wondering how I can clean this up before I start using case statements

Below is a sample I wrote


#This scripts syncs shit

echo "Type in ID: "
read ID

echo "Type in Server : " #source server
read S

echo "Type in Destination Server: "
read DS

if [ $S == 9 ]; then
ssh -t "root@"$S"webserver1" "rsync -av /home/rlui/"$ID "root@"$DS"webserver2:/home/rlui/";
ssh -t "root@"$S"webserver1" "rsync -av /home/rlui/tmp/"$ID "root@sl"$DS"webserver2:/home/rlui/tmp/"
exit 1

where S and DS are cluster numbers

I apologize in advance if I am not clear on anything