Why ./home/Desktop Is Incorrect And ./Desktop Is Correct?

I'm learning about Linux, started yesterday. I have a question which didn't clear from the book and Google. The question is what is the difference between ./ and / in terminal? I'm asking this because when i give command for example - ./home/yogesh/Desktop/Books it is showing bash: ./home/yogesh/Desktop : No such file or directory but on removing the dot it's showing /home/yogesh/Desktop/Books: Is a directory.
Again on giving command like /Desktop it showing /Desktop :No such file or directory but on adding dot before / it is giving ./Desktop: is a directory.
What is the difference between ./ and / ?
I'm sorry if i asked something foolish but I have to know it anyway. Thankyou in advance and sorry for my bad English.

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hi guys, im having terminal trouble.

i have a libre word file called lintest.odt in the Documents directory (folder). I want to move it to the Libre directory (folder).

Desktop Downloads Libre Pictures Templates
Documents home Music Public Videos

from the root directory i typed cd Documents and then pwd and I got
i then typed ls and i got lintest.odt

I then typed mv lintest Libre and it says

mv: cannot stat ‘lintest’: No such file or directory

what am I doing wrong?

when i try to see the contents of the lintest file with more lintest
I got ~/Documents$ more lintest.odt
and then it locks up the terminal.

im obviously doing something dreadfully wrong.

Which Desktop Environment Do I Have: Gnome 2 Or MATE ?

I have been tinkering around with a distribution called gNewSense, a distribution endorsed and sponsored by the Free Software Foundation. I'm currently running version 3.1

I had a question about it.

I was wondering what the default desktop environment is. It looks to me like either Gnome 2 or the MATE desktop environment. I'm not sure which one it is. Both desktop environments look very similar to me.
A few places on the internet seem to indicate that it might actually be Gnome 2, however, I was under the impression that development for that version of the Gnome desktop has long ago stopped, and, in essence, the MATE desktop has taken it's place and continues to be developed for.

Thank you

Bash: Cd/home/myname/pictures: No Such File Or Directory

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`host_list=("c15-0330-10.ad.mtu.edu" "c15-0330-11.ad.mtu.edu" "c15-0330-12.ad.mtu.edu")`
`# I have multiple programs`
`# program=c("L_1","L_2","L_3")`
`ssh -f "${host_list[0]}" 'set Directory="/home/campus27/zwang10/Desktop/AWRR/program/power/vmodel_1/nprot/K_10"; cd $Directory && nohup Rscript L_1.R> L_1_sh.txt;echo "The job L_1 is finished" |mutt "zwang10@mtu.edu" -s "The job L_1 is finished"';
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ssh -f "${host_list[2]}" 'set Directory="/home/campus27/zwang10/Desktop/AWRR/program/power/vmodel_1/nprot/K_10"; cd $Directory && nohup Rscript L_3.R> L_3_sh.txt;echo "The job L_3 is finished" |mutt "zwang10@mtu.edu" -s "The job L_3 is finished"';`

Changing User Name Slight Hangup


Today I switched my linux username and changed to /home/newname. I am doing this because it is not secure to broadcast your username to the world.

At this link:


I am wondering if there is a way to do it a little better for me.

You can either keep a symlink for backward compatibility, e g ln -s /home/newname /home/oldname or you can change the file contents with sed -i.bak 's/*oldname*/*newname*/g' *list of files* It creates a backup for each file with a .bak extension.
I tried to do a symlink.

It is not working exactly the way I had hoped. I may not understand it.

When I do the command ls -l I had to make an alias command with awk to parse out the user when i display it. That isn't a big deal but I noticed the oldname and newname are in the printout before filtering it with awk.

Also, my old home directory (the one that matches my /home/oldname is not deleted).

I can log in and the desktop looks fine. I indeed have a new /home/newname.

At one point can I delete the /home/oldname.

Is it okay that ls -l is picking up both usernames (new and old) in separate columns?

I wanted to bounce this off a more experienced user to see if there are some minor adjustments I can do to improve not having 2 home directories and if it is okay for ls -l to display both the old and new user name.



No Desktop Icons On Boot.

Hello, I have been using Petra for nearly a year.

I shut down every night, and the system has repeatedly functioned properly on every boot.

Recently and not always, the system boots and I have my desktop background but without any icons or any tray applets.

When this occurs, I can do nothing from the desktop and I must shutdown using the manual stop button.

When the unit shutsdown, I press the start button and the unit has booted normally, with desktop icons.

All of the desktop icons were created using Chrome.

Is there any way of curing this problem short of reloading the OS?

The machine is a HP-a1630n, with HDD and 2.4G of ram.

Thanks much,

Dlopen Failed To Open 'libdl.so ERROR


I am new to using linux and using it just to run cadence virtuoso software. I mount the /apps directory from another server to my pc and then source cadence setup file. However, i get the following error.

[fulhaq@mypc Desktop]$ tcsh
[fulhaq@mypc ~/Desktop]$ source /apps/cadence/setup.csh
[fulhaq@mypc ~/Desktop]$ virtuoso &
[fulhaq@mypc ~/Desktop]$ dlopen failed to open 'libdl.so'

Can somebody suggest how i can remove this error. Do i have to install libdl.so file. if yes then how?

Autoload Python Script At Cinnamon Login

I am using Cinnamon desktop on the top of arch linux. I wanted to load a python script at desktop login which informs me about battery stats, so I created a batterymonitor.desktop entry under ~/.config/autostart. The contents of batterymonitor.desktop a
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=python /home/<myusername>/scripts/battery_monitor.py

But the problem is that the script is not loading at cinnamon login. I have also confirmed that the script is executable.
Can you help to load this script at cinnamon login?

Cygwin Rsync Script Copying File Incorrectly

I am trying to write a simple test script that executes a single rsync call. Once I get the syntax right, the script will be expanded to incorporate several rsync instructions to save me time.

I'm using a Cygwin Terminal on Windows 7 to run Rsync.

The script is called "backup" and I call it from the cygwin terminal using "./backup". Have used chmod to make it executable.

When I execute the rsync instruction as a standalone instruction at terminal prompt, the file copies to the target folder perfectly.

However, when I try and drop the same instruction into a script, it copies the file over from it's original file name "mvi_1840.mov" to a file with the name "." -- literally a single period. I can rename the file to a .mov file and it works fine but naturally, I don't want to have to do this.

The one other thing I will mention is that the file is located in the /home/"username" directory in cygwin vs /bin. But I would not think that this would make a difference.

I have pasted the contents of the script file below:
    rsync.exe -rltDvP --exclude "System Volume Information" --exclude
 "RECYCLER" --exclude=\$RECYCLE.BIN --delete "/cygdrive/c/users/<USERNAME>
/desktop/mvi_1840.mov" "/cygdrive/c/users/<USERNAME>/desktop/test/"

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Trouble Installing Kubunto From A Live Usb Boot

Hello, I'm new here and I want to start learning and getting into linux but my main problem is that I can't seem to be able to install Kubunto 15.04 onto my desktop from a live usb. I'm using a usb because I don't have a cd drive. I've tried installing some different linux distros before and didn't get them to work either. I can post the specs and info of my desktop if needed but they seem to be in working order and I don't think its a hardware problem. I used LiveUSB Creator to make my usb and I put the 15.04 Kunbunto iso file into it. I tried turning off UEFI but I'm not exactly sure what that is anyway. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Here is a photo of what happens after I turn on my desktop and it passes the beep test:

Also, if I have broken any forum rules or if you have any advice on how to make my posts better please let me know.