How To Avoid Newlines Output In Bash Script

I am have a bash script like this:

while true;
(printf %s "$(date '+%A %W %Y %X')"; echo -n ", " ; printf %s "$(ps -eo pcpu,pmem,comm | grep statsd)") >> tope.txt;
sleep 2;

What I want is the output of this command be entered into tope.txt like this:

Friday 20 2015 11:28:21, 0.0 0.4 /usr/libexec/systemstatsd

but what I get is output like this in multiline. :

Friday 20 2015 11:28:21
0.0 0.4 /usr/libexec/systemstatsd

What can I do to fix this?

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Script Queries


Below is the output of the "date" command:
Thu Apr 2 16:07:59 SGT 2015

After assigning the output to a parameter as follows:

The output has changed when "echo $DATE":
Thu Apr 2 16:09:40 SGT 2015

The "2" has moved forward.

I don't want the "2" to move forward, please advise how to go about it.

Thanks in advance.

Trap Error And Assign In Bash Script

I try to assign return from a _error_handler_function to a variable
this is just a test( dummy test ) not a really case

exec 2>$logfile
v=$(cat $logfile|grep dummy|wc -l);
rm $logfile
echo $v

trap _err_handler ERR

echo "x value is $x "
echo "z value is $z"

expected output :
bash-4.1$ sh
x value is 1
z value is 0

what is wrong here and how should I fix?

thanks in advance

Value Comparison In Bash Shell Script

I need to compare a value with different fixed value. Below is the code concept I implemented in my bash script but its giving me error.
Here "a' is the nameserver value that I extract using command line from /etc/resolv.conf. I did not put command here.

#! /bin/bash

if [ $a == || ||]
echo " You have correct ntpserver"
echo"wrong ntpserver"


Am I comparing the value correctly or any suggestion?

Thank you

Bash Scrip Running On Remote Server

This is my script and the syntax to run this script is give ip and next will be the file or script you want to perform on remote server


# The private key used to identify this machine

echo "Syntax: server_ip scriptFile]"
echo "For example: ./ server_ip scriptFile"
exit 1

if [ $# -ne 2 ]
echo not enough arguments

echo "Running script $2 on $1"
ssh -ttq -i $IDENTITY_KEY ec2-user@$1 sudo -i 'bash -s' < $2
echo "Done"

on script file i have give for testing

touch /root/test
ls /root/test

it makes the file but do not show the ls output by giving error

tcgetattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device


what I have to do ??

Inquiry On A Bash Script Using Sed And Grep -c

Hi Everyone,

I need some help on my bash script, I'm trying to rename a certain line in a file which might be 1 or more.

IDXCOUNT=`grep -c 'index .* on ' $FILENAME`;

for n in $(eval echo {1..$IDXCOUNT});
timestamp=$(date +"%s");
echo "Renaming index idx_$timestamp..";
if [ $n -eq 1 ]; then
sed -i "0,/^index [^)]* on /s/index idx_$timestamp on /" $FILENAME;

My problem is, if the sed target is 2 or more it will generate an idx_$timestamp that will cause duplicate index value when the script finish. My goal is to have the script recognize that when there are multiple index in the file, it will try to rename it one by one.

I'm new to bash so I'm not sure if I explained my issue well but I will appreciate any help!!


Check Status

I am writing a script to check whether a "sysinfo" is installed in a system or not. sysinfo is a tool that gives information about the system. Its is installed in /usr/local/bin. so at CLI when I type sysinfo, it will display output.

echo "$sysinfo"
if [ "$?" = 0 ];then
echo "sysinfo installed"
echo "Please install sysinfo"

Concept is, I run the command if it is present, it will show output and exit status of command is 0 else it is not installed. But it is not working as expected. Any thoughts , idea, suggestion.

Correctly Measure Available Memory In Linux

I'm currently using the command below, to output the memory usage of a debian system in bash scripts.

memusage=$(memusage=$(/usr/bin/free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3/$2 * 100.0 "%"}' | cut -d "%" -f1);echo "$(printf "%0.0f\n" $memusage)") && echo Memory Usage is $memusage

Being new to Linux though, I just found out that Linux takes up a lof of memory and puts it in cached.

root@Client1:~# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           927        799        128          0         15        754
-/+ buffers/cache:         28        898
Swap:           99          0         99

So the first command will actually output that the memory usage is 87%, when in reality is not. Its actually thinking that the memory usage is high because its also counting the cached memory, as used memory.

How can I modify the first command not to consider cached memory, as used memory?


What Ftp Server Is Running

in my RHEL 4 server , I want to know what ftp server is running but can't find it.

I tried "ps -ef |grep ftp" but no output , chkconfig --list |grep ftp also no output related to ftp , /etc/rc.d/init.d can't find ftp service , ftp localhost is not allow .

when use FileZilla to connect it , it is ok , the ftp should be running , I tried to use "ps -ef |grep ftp" , it pops the following output , would advise what ftp server is running in server ? thanks

edp 11027 11026  0 12:39 ?        00:00:00 tcsh -c /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
edp 11037 11027  0 12:39 ?        00:00:00 /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server
user   11050  7747  0 12:48 pts/2    00:00:00 grep ftp

Bash More Commands In One Function


first year of learning linux and bash script
Now i wrote a bash script with a function.
Today i recieved a email from my teacher that 1 function only can have 1 command and no more then 1?

thats a part of the script

function tx_unreachable_msg()
LOGLINE="[$DATE] no ip service unreachable"
typewriter "$NOIPSERVICE niet bereikbaar" .1
sleep 1 
typewriter "Mail wordt verzonden naar $email" .1
mail -s "NO ip mail error" "$email"<<EOF niet bereikbaar @ $DATE

it's part dutch part english but the point is that the first LOGLINE is forbidden in the function because i use the functie to send a mail end not to write a logline but that's a part of the command in my case?

So what does this function?
If the no ip service is unreachable then it's write to /etc/var/log/no-ip and after the sleep it's send a simpel mail to the adres in the variabele mail.

i read here at the first line:
Shell functions are a way to group commands for later execution using a single name for the group.
so is it true that my function is wrong and so no can someone point me to a website where it's say that more commands are allow in 1 function0

grts b

Bash Script For Xfce4 Powermanager Settings Switching Forth And Backward

i need a bash script to switch to zero second on ac the waiting time for turning off the monitor (highlighten in red). same as for on battery (highlighten in purple)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<channel name="xfce4-power-manager" version="1.0">
  <property name="xfce4-power-manager" type="empty">
    <property name="power-button-action" type="empty"/>
    <property name="show-tray-icon" type="empty"/>
    <property name="logind-handle-lid-switch" type="bool" value="true"/> 
    <property name="dpms-on-ac-sleep" type="uint" value="1"/>
    <property name="dpms-on-ac-off" type="uint" value="2"/> 
    <property name="brightness-on-battery" type="uint" value="9"/> 
    <property name="dpms-on-battery-sleep" type="uint" value="1"/>
    <property name="dpms-on-battery-off" type="uint" value="2"/> 
    <property name="lock-screen-suspend-hibernate" type="bool" value="false"/>
    <property name="dpms-enabled" type="bool" value="true"/>