I just configured proftpd and it's working fine, but i had a doubt "How to create a new user list" and also how to create a new login form by that clients can create their own account without the knowledge of admin, and the information about the user need to store in server. Anyone tried the above scenario? If yes please let me know how!
proftpd is running in port 2222. Vendor user "ABC" logs in successfully. When I check the /var/log/proftpd/sftpd.log file I see strange things, time stamp changes from 11:xx to 10:xx during user ABC login..!
Mar 17 11:44:34 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49192]: sending acceptable userauth methods: keyboard-interactive,password
Mar 17 10:44:34 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49192]: sending userauth success
Mar 17 10:44:34 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49192]: user 'ABC' authenticated via 'keyboard-interactive' method
Mar 17 11:44:35 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49193]: using '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key' as RSA hostkey
Mar 17 11:44:35 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49193]: using '/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key' as DSA hostkey
Mar 17 11:44:35 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49193]: disconnecting client (received EOF)
Mar 17 10:44:35 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49192]: 'subsystem' channel request for 'sftp' subsystem
Mar 17 10:44:35 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49192]: using SFTP protocol version 3 for this session (channel ID 0)
Mar 17 10:44:35 mod_sftp/0.9.7[49192]: client set permissions on '/12345_FULL' to 0666
Any thougs on this?
I need to be able to create new user accounts and make sure they're forced to reset their password upon first login, also if they don't log in within 4 days of the account creation their account must automatically lock. How do I accomplish this?
thank you.
hello,i want to create multi users for login in samba ! example user "one" is rw ,user "two" is r,user "three" is rwx.a was already create 2 user with difrent permission but not with 3 user,please help!
hi all,
i want to create a new user named xyz who can login and perform some backup tasks with limited access
i have created a user but not able to access server via putty
can anybody please guide me on this
Vijay Muddu
I am setting up a linux server for gaming and I am using a script to update the files automatically and create a folder with a certain name.
# !/bin/bash
# A convenience function, to save us some work
update_server() {
# Read the app id and the directory into a variable
# Create the directory ( if it does not exist already )
if [ ! -d "$HOME/$DIR" ]; then
mkdir -p "$HOME/$DIR"
# Uh-oh, it looks like we still have no directory. Report an error.
if [ ! -d "$HOME/$DIR" ]; then
# Describe what went wrong
echo "ERROR! Cannot create directory $HOME/$DIR!"
# Exit with status code 1 ( which indicates an error )
exit 1
# Call SteamCMD with the app ID we provided and tell it to install
./bin/steamcmd.sh +login anonymous +force_install_dir "$HOME/$DIR" +app_update $APP_ID validate +quit
# Now the script actually runs update_server ( which we just declared above ) with the id of the application ( 4020 is Garry's Mod ) and the name of the directory we want the server to be hosted from:
update_server 4020 "gmodserver"
exit 0
When I run this script, it creates 2 folders on my server : gmodserver and gmodserver? There is no files downloaded in gmodserver. All the files are downloaded in gmodserver?
I looked for a few hours on how to solve this problem but I have no idea what the added ? might be so I am lost as to what to look for. Could you help me on figuring this out?
Thank you.
edit : I am using ubuntu 15.04 x64 if it makes a difference.
I just created a Guest user account. When I rebooted, it went right into the Guest Account, without allowing me to choose and log in to the admin account. I tried Login Window and New Login in Administration panel. I tried Logout, but nothing happened when trying.
After install linux and configured a user to what I want (e.g.
Desktop settings, Firefox settings etc.) - how can I copy this entire setup to a newly create user?
Appreciate any advise.
A few of my servers show that this user id has expired.
I know that this is the name of a user account and group account and if I check out /etc/passwd there is an entry under /sbin/nologin. And, if I check under say top -u nobody, I don't see anything running for that user account. However that is the extent of my knowledge on this user account.
Should I be concerned that the passwd for this account is expired or are there cron jobs/programs that rely on this account?
I am logged in as root and i am have issues creating a new user
su - /usr/sbin/useradd paulg
Comes back with the error:
su: user /usr/sbin/useradd does not exist
Any ideas please as I need to create myself a user with root privileges
I have created primary and Secondry Dns Server i am not getting any errors but master server transfer has started but zone files not updating...my doubt should i create create zone files else server itself create....