My Site Is Blocked By The French "Free" ISP

I am the webmaster of a site dedicated to the travel to the southwest of France. The site is hosted by Hostpapa (in Canada).
The site URL is:
The site is 3 yeas old and worked fine until 1 week ago when it became unaccessible to people who use the French company "Free" as an ISP. (the site is available via all other French or International ISP providers as far as I know).
I have contacted Free tech support but they are completely incompetent - I even got answers like "If we cannot see the site we cannot do anything for you" and they surely could not see it because it is THEIR company that blocks it etc.
Frankly I am at my wits end and not sure what to do next. Free is a popular company in France due to their cut prices so it is a pity to lose so many potential customers.
My question is: is there anything that Free could have changed (not sure what) that would prompt me to change any settings in the for example .htaccess file or anything like this? Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Thank you

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             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           927        799        128          0         15        754
-/+ buffers/cache:         28        898
Swap:           99          0         99

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